When My Husband Said “This Isnt the Body I Fell in Love With”


From the innumerable magazine cover-ups plastered with waif frameworks to web ads oozing with the next revolutionary weight-loss hack, its hard to get away from thecultural narrative that hollers skinny is BETTER .

Reportedly, a total of 75 percent of all American females endorse some unhealthy beliefs, moods or behaviors related to food or their bodies and those are just the ones who admitted to it in a survey .

If were being honest with ourselves, weve ALL likely had those thoughts at some phase in our lives.

In this eraof Photoshopped thighs and the girl child contracting every-eating-disorder-under-the-sun, its become quite the trend to champion body-positive thoughts and self-acceptance through social media.

Youve all assured the memes.

Im so Flaw-some


And Imperfection is beauty


Those quotes look all adorable when packaged in their Pinterest-perfect graphics, but to what degree do we actually believe them?

Particularly after having children, its not uncommon for a womans body confidence to plummet to an all-time low. Your tight abs are replaced with post-baby flab and your once supple skin now carries the marks of tiger-striped stretching marks.

Hows that for feeling attractive ? Especially when it comes to pleasing the man who fell in love with the once-upon-a-Barbie-bod version of you.

Well for Mum on the Run, Laura Mazza, thats something shes ultimately starting to be at peace with after warring for years over her fading lookings. But whats most beautiful is her husbands response to her insecurities about the body he didnt fall in love with.

In a viral Facebook post, Laura bares her heart about the wonderful humankind wholooks past her stretching markings and straight into the spirit of the mother who bore his babes 😛 TAGEND

This isnt the body you fell in love with.

I said to him.


The body he fell in love with was toned, it had muscles, there were no stretching recognizes on my belly , none on my boob , no gut from muscle separation.

The body he fell in love with are integrated into tight jeans, could walk into a shop and grab different sizes and walk out, knowing it fit.

This torso now couldnt shop at those stores, and mainly wears leggings. His body stayed the same, but mine altered in every style. It isnt fair

I stood in front of him, wearied and shattered, the tears welled in my eyes, this isnt the body you fell in love with. Then he told, youre right. It isnt the body I fell in love with.

Instead its a body that grew our children, it fed our children, it comforted our children, it induced life. Your torso is the one I fall in love with every day

I didnt know what desire was until I saw this torso and found out all it is able to do, so thank you.

Do not be ashamed of what you have, or what your mum torso looks like, theres plenty of time to give up cake in the future, for now, enjoy the moments you have, and enjoy the fact that you have made something that is worth every stretch mark and every dimple.

If you needed a reminder, this is it, this torso you have now, its worth every bit of desire and more.

Lauras words of encouragement are a powerful reminder that the body we have IS worth caring And moreover, it is NOT infused with the kind of charm that lasts.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who dread the LORD is to be praised .~ Proverbs 31:30

Share this inspiring message with a woman who needs to hear these wise words today. I know I did .

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