Shonda Rhimes hated the attention she got after losing weight


Anyone who’s lost a significant amount of weight knows just how many unwarranted praises weight loss can bring from friends and strangers, alike. And Shonda Rhimes, who has lost a fair amount of weight over the last few years, knows these comments all too well.

In the most recent edition of her Shondaland newsletter, the Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy showrunner talks about how she felt after a purely physical change triggered a sudden increase in attention from everyone around her.

“Women I scarcely knew gushed. And I intend GUSHED. Like I was holding-a-new-baby-gushed. Merely there was no new newborn. It was just me. In a dress. With makeup on and my whisker all did, yes. But…still the same me, ” Rhimes shared, per EW . “And humen? They spoke to me. THEY SPOKE TO ME. Like endure still and have all along been conversations with me about things. It was disconcerting.”

But even more disconcerting, according to Rhimes, was that all these people “suddenly felt totally comfortable” talking to her about her body. They told her she appeared fairly or “so hot now.” They said they were proud of her and informed her she looked amazing.

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