How a Michigan mom used running to drop 150 pounds


Name: Britany Spangler
Age : 31
Occupation: stay-at-home mom
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

How long have you been running ?
I have been running simply under a year.

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What prompted you to start ?
I had lost 75 pounds, but I still had another 75 pounds to lose. So I decided to try operating with the Couch to 5K app.

RELATED : Lose the pounds, seem great, and run your fastest with Run to Lose from Runners World.

How often do you run ?
I run every day in addition to completing one long run a week.

What is your routine ?
I wake up my four children ages 5, 4, 3, and 2 and take my oldest son to school. Then I head to the gym, with my other three children in tow, to run.

Do you race? If so, how often and what kind of races ?
I kind of simply hopped into the racing world last fall. For my first race, I completed a tough mudder. After that, I operated a half marathon, and then the very following weekend I completed my second half marathon. This time, I plan on doing at least two half marathons, as well as my first full marathon at the Chicago Marathon.

Do you engage in other athletics or activities? If so, what and how often ?
I weight develop five days a week and I also enjoy obstacle course racing. I add them to my schedule whenever I can. My other activities include has become a full-time mommy.

RELATED : Train to run your best constraints and obstacles race

Whats the most rewarding part of operating for you ?
I suffer from depression, but when I run it completely clears my intellect. I am a better mommy, wife, and pal, as a runner.

Please describe your weight loss jaunt, including your before and after weights .
I had bariatric surgery in May of 2015, and at that time I was 299 pounds. My entire torso ached. After the surgery I lost 75 pounds but I did not start exerting right off. Once I began operating, I lost another 75 pounds that I needed to lose. Currently, I am a steady 150 pounds. However, while I do seem better , nothing compares to how fantastic I feel.

What is the secret to your weight loss success ?
While I think some people may believe the surgery was the be-all-end-all for me, I know its genuinely the lifestyle I have adopted. I make sure to eat pretty clean and I run every day. I also think family participation is hugeI have even get my son into running and hes 5 years old!

How do you stay motivated ?
When I am in the middle of a long run and it feels horrible, all I have to do is recollect the look on my children faces when they caught a glimpse of me at my first half marathon. I will never forget the looking of dignity my 5-year-old had as he was reverberating his cow buzzer for me.

RELATED : Get faster for your next half marathon

What are your current short- and long-term goals ?
I hope to complete a full marathon this year. I would also love to do the Disney series. But my ultimate objectives is to do a 50 -mile race at some degree.

Is there anything else youd like to tell us ?
I would like other mothers, who may want to start operating, to know that it is hard juggling it all, but its so worth iteven on periods when it seems like schlepping your kids to the gym, leaving them with a sitter, or leaving at 4 a.m. before your spouse goes to work is selfish. In the end, your children will benefit from having a healthy mom.

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