Summer might be over, but that doesn’t mean we’re done with the hot quite yet. Luckily, we have our amazing air conditioner units!
Air conditioners can truly be a life saver in helping to battle hot homes. In true, these devices can become some of the best chums we’ve ever had while tolerating hot and humidity. There’s nothing quite like turning on your air conditioner after a long period at work, and feeling the cool air on your skin.
But whether you’re an avid customer of your air conditioner, or only become it on from time to time, it’s good to be in the know about what your air conditioner may be doing to your health without you even knowing it.
The fact that my air conditioner might be causing unexpected health side effects came as a huge surprise to me. Who knew my A.C. could be creating my blood pressure?
Scroll through the gallery below for seven potential air conditioner side effects you should be aware of, as well as some tips for getting around them.
While this doesn’t mean we should start to fear our air conditioners, it is definitely good to know the potential dangers so we can stay in control of our health!
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Air Conditioner Side Effect# 1: Breathing Problems
The number one issue with having an air conditioner bang cold air into your humble abode or operate space is that they are often not cleaned as exhaustively as they should be. Not changing the filters can cause many different kinds of bacteria and fungus to accumulate.
Air conditioners can also has become a breeding ground for black mold, due to the high sum of moisture that builds up from condensation that’s created with all the chill air that passes through.
All these micro-organisms living soundly in your air conditioner can potentially lead to respiratory problems.
A quick fix for this is to make sure your air conditioning unit is cleaned regularly and that the filter is likewise changed every couple of months.
Air Conditioner Side Effect# 2: Headaches And Dizziness
That stuffy, congested, headachy sensation you get after being in an air conditioned building the working day long isn’t just you. Truth is, it may be that the air conditioning is the cause.
A study in the International Journal of Epidemiology associates are present in agency houses with central air conditioning immediately to constitutional and neurological symptoms such as tirednes and headaches.
Try turning the temperature up on your air conditioner so that you’re not frost. Another redres would be to take frequent transgress to step outside for fresh air and to allow your body temperature to go back to normal.
Air Conditioner Side Effect# 3: Dry Skin And Nasal Passages
Another reason spending quality bonding time with your air conditioner should be lessened is due to the damaging effect it has on your skin.
Being that the cold, dry air induces skin to lose it’s natural moisture, the more time spent in air conditioner, the dryer your scalp becomes.
To remedy riled scalp, make sure you’re keeping hydrated with lots of sea and using a preferred moisturizer.
Air Conditioner Side Effect# 4: Heat Intolerance
While most people aren’t fans of extreme hot, the way to tell if you are heat intolerant is if it’s absolutely impossible for you to be comfortable in hot weather.
Individuals who expend more time in an air-controlled environments become more intolerant of the summer swelter. The fanaticism stems from moving your torso from cool environments to the hot outdoor air.
The best behavior to prepare your torso for the hot air is to try using a devotee or opening the window instead. Who knows — you might find it more comfy than air conditioning.
Air Conditioner Side Effect# 5: Symptoms Of A ‘Cold’
According to Oxford Journals, individuals who expend a lot of time in air-conditioned environments tend to need a high sum of health care services for symptoms of a cold.
In order to ensure that you’re not making weekly journeys to the doctor, make sure all aspects of your chamber, automobile, and operate space are cleaned exhaustively. That includes the carpets, curtains, and anything in your space that were likely to induce dust to amass, especially the air conditioner.
Air Conditioner Side Effect# 6: Weight Gain
Everyday Health says that air conditioning can help maintain our bodies at a temperature in which we seem comfy enough to not workout or move much at all. This then induces us to ignite fewer calories than we would usually ignite in a natural environment where our bodies have to work to adjust to the temperature.
When it’s hot outside, people tend to turn on their air conditioner and enjoy the air rather than used to go and workout. People also tend to eat more when it’s cold which could be the case when one turns on the cool air in their house.
Air Conditioner Side Effect# 7: Created Blood Pressure
According to Mens-Fitness-and-Health, the temperature in which we live can definitely affect our blood pressure and our overall health.
This is directly linked to the small arteries in our scalp constricting to avoid loss of body heat. In turn, this creates a resistance of blood flowing and heightened blood pressure.
Those who deal with hypertension can stop this consequence on the blood pressure by avoiding cold temperatures and using air conditioning at a bare minimum.
Knowing the health risks side effects of using an air conditioner too much can help you to avoid them altogether!
Which of these health effects amazed you the most? Let us know in the comments.