What To Order At A Mexican Restaurant So You Don’t Get Fat


With Cinco de Drinko Mayo right around the corner, youre likely scheming out your Friday night with things like tequila, margaritas, and platters of Mexican food. However, if you dont opt your bowls responsibly, you could gain three pounds and feel more stuffeds than a fucking piata. This is obviously not ideal considering you’re a few weeks away from trying to squeeze into your stars and stripes bikini, so any extra bloat now is going to really fuck you up. Plus if you feed too much and then drink too much, you’ll likely objective your nighttime upchuck into the nearest sombrero, which is no bueno. Take our advisory opinions and opt responsibly from these not-terrible-for-you Mexican treats 😀 TAG 8 TT

1. Fajitas

The number one choice when heading out for Mexican food? Fajitas. Veggie fajitas are best( fucking duh) with chicken, grilled shrimp, or steak coming in a close second. Why are they so fucking great? Because this shit is not assembled, intending you can choose to hop-skip the extra carbs like rice and beans AND even merely nom on the meat and veggies solo, sans tortillas. Hop-skip the sour cream and use all your salsa for an even healthier banquet. We’ll even let you thrown guac on this.

2. Ceviche

Weve discussed the ponders of ceviche before, and if you can find it on the 10 -page menu at your local Mexican hangout, ordering that shit stat. its literally merely fish marinated in citrus with some veggies, so why WOULDNT you ordering it. Its like Mexican sushi.

3. Lettuce Tacos

Youve been doing it for years on your burgers( or you should be ), so apply the lettuce wrapping to your Mexican jaunt. Additionally, ordering them without cheese or sour cream. Up the ante, instead, on hot sauce and salsa which are much lower in calories and could boost your metabolismat least temporarily.

4. Street-Style Tacos

What do we signify when we say “street style”? Not that its full of Molly or is going to break out into a freestyle rap. Street-style tacos usually have a protein, grilled veggies, and salsa on one or two soft corn tortillas. That intends the tortilla isnt fried, you dont have to deal with cheese or sour cream, and its overall healthier. If it comes on two corn tortillas, use one and cut some more calories. One or two of these street-style bad boys should be more than enough for your Mexican feast. Don’t lie, you know you always ordering three tacos and get full after two bites into your first one.

5. Flan

If you candidly necessity dessert, you fatass, opt for flan aka your grandmothers favorite gum-able food. It voices disgusting when we describe it that way, so we might have saved you the calories outright. But if you do decide this dessert is for you, flan operates about 225 calories for a half beaker and its literally merely custard with caramel. Worth it, or you could always merely ordering another drinking and get your dessert calories that way.

6. Guacamole

If youre going to dip, guacamole is a very good alternative( plus we knew you were never going to pass on the guac anyway ). It isnt void of caloriesquite the fucking oppositeBUT it has a lot of good fats and minerals thatll help offset that hangover subsequently. Be even healthier by swapping out microchip dippers for cut up veggies. The restaurant staff is very likely to look at you strange and pretend to not understand you when you ask for veggies instead of tortilla microchips, though, so realistically you might just have to take that L and feed the chips.

7. Vegetarian Burritos

If for some reason you need a burrito, opt for lean protein with minimal carbs. In other terms, to continue efforts to ordering a bean burrito , no rice, extra grilled veggies , no sour cream, lots of salsa. If it sounds like it’s not worth it at that point, you’re kinda rightdon’t tell we didn’t warn you. But this sad vegetarian burrito is veggie and protein heavy, which will keep you full and less likely to black out subsequently when youre celebrating Mexicos independence or whatever.

8. Water

Not really a dish specific to Mexico( S ), but this is essential before you head out to El Burrito Fantastico. Chugging water like your life depends on it( because it kinda does) will offset a lot of the salt present in all of your favorite Mexican meat. Plus, itll fill you up so youre least likely to inhale several baskets of microchips at the table, you pig.

9. Grilled Fish Tacos

Ask for any creamy sauce on the side, and grilled fish tacos are a stellar option for your Mexican celebration. They will be lower calories than most any of the meat bowls; theres usually no cheese involved; and theres a nice bit of protein to act as a barricade for all that alcohol.

10. Black Beans

Its a side alternative you candidly dont require, but if you do, opt for these over refried. Why? Do you really have to ask why beans that have been fried zero days are better for you than beans that are fried not once, but TWICE? Okay. Refried beans are refried in lard, i.e. literal fat. Let that sink in( to your arteries ). Pinto beans are a decent option, too; just stay away from the lard alternative. SAY NO TO LARD.

So dont drown yourself in grande margaritas and waves of queso. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo responsibly, with delicious, lower calorie foods.

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