Therapist’s Choice® Abdominal Trainer Mat for Full Range of Motion Ab Workouts, Back Stretcher & Plank Board all in one!


Caution: Seller “Dealzz Direct” is not an authorized distributor of this item & may be selling an item that does not match the description advertised. Therapist’s Choice® Abdominal Trainer Mat for Full Range of Motion Ab Workouts, Back Stretcher & Plank Board all in one! Includes Basic Instructional Manual. Our mat provides stability, constant tension, and a full range of motion which regular crunches do not provide ensuring that you are able to get a full extension when doing sit-ups or crunches, working out the full range of your abdominal while having constant back support without putting too much stress on your back; Great for crossfit core training. Back Stretcher: WARNING: Consult your healthcare practitioner to confirm this product is suitable for your back condition prior to use The Mat’s curved shape mimics the curved shape of our spine giving an effective stretch. Used for chronic back pain, sciatic pain, stress, & restless nights. Just use 10 minutes daily or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. Plank Board: The High Density Foam on our Mat makes a comfortable arm rest for Front and Side Planks.

Product Features

  • Therapist’s Choice® Abdominal Trainer Mat for Full Range of Motion Ab Workouts, Back Stretcher & Plank Board all in one!
  • Full 6 Pack Isolation: Provides complete isolation of your ab muscles during crunches, leg lifts and sit-ups
  • A complete core exercises and training for the Abs, Back, & Oblique’s. Includes Basic Instructional Manual
  • Back Stretcher: The Mat’s curved shape mimics the curved shape of our spine giving an effective stretch. Used for chronic back pain, sciatic pain, stress, & restless nights. Just use 10 minutes daily or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
  • Plank Board: The High Density Foam on our Mat makes a comfortable arm rest for Front and Side Planks.


  1. Hello to better core strength I have been using this ab trainer mat for a couple months. I did show my physical therapist this mat prior to using. He assured me that this would be great for me and not cause any injury. He also said, “a strong core helps strengthen you back muscles.” This mat has really made a difference in my fitness regime. I am now able to do sit ups butterfly style, crunches and leg lifts without any discomfort. I love how the mats curved shape conforms to my lower spine. I have herniated discs…


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