Sarah Hyland addressed people on Twitter criticizing her weight in the following statement she tweeted on Wednesday afternoon.
Thestar appeared in last night, but she spent time earlier in the working day responding to people on Twitter who were saying negative things about her weight.

Hyland, who had to have a kidney transplanting in 2012 due to a battle with kidney dysplasia, said her health has suffered in the last 12 months, which is why she has lost so much weight and isnt able to workout. She told, Im not in control of what my body looks like.
Part of the statement in the tweet reads,
I havent had the greatest time. Maybe one day Ill talking here it but for now, Id like my privacy. I will say that this year has brought a lot of changes and with that, physical changes.
I have been told that I cant work up. Which, for me, is very upsetting. I love to be STRONG.( Ill be using that term a lot) Strength is everything. Being strong has gotten me where I am. Both mentally and physically. I am not a fan of being skinny.
Hyland, 26, tells “shes been” bullied over her weight.She said in the statement shes been accused of promoting anorexia in anti-bullying posts.
She credits her severe weight loss and loss of muscle mass to the drug she has to take that she tells is saving her life, although she does not disclose what specific health issues she is fighting through.
She told,
Eat a burger, your chief is bigger than your body and thats disgusting. And youre right! No ones head should be bigger than their body but considering Ive basically been on bed rest for the past few months, Ive lost a lot of muscle mass. My circumstances have thrown me in a place where Im not in control of what my body looks like. So I strive to be as healthy as is practicable, as everyone should.
People online have accused her of promoting anorexia because she has gotten verythin over the last year, but like she told, shes remaining as healthy as she can, but her circumstances have caused her to plummet a lot of weight and muscle mass.

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She added,
Oh and no thats not photoshop. Those are my legs. Those are my limbs. I write this because Ive been accused of promoting anorexia in, ironically enough, an anti bullying post. And I want young girl were told that thats NOT my intention.
Herco-star Sofia Vergara retweeted the tweet in support of Hyland.
Major props to Sarah for telling her tale on her own terms.
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