Quest Wants to Hear from You!

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One of the unknown benefits that some people have reported after eating Quest Beyond Cereal Bars is a non-existent or minimal blood sugar spike. Because the sweetener used in Beyond Cereal Bars is a rare sugar called Allulose (found in nature in figs, maple syrup and raisins), it doesn’t contribute the same caloric content as regular table sugar. Since it’s virtually calorie free it doesn’t it doesn’t act like regular sugar.

Quest wants to hear from you if you’re a type 1 or 2 diabetic, or regularly track your blood sugar for physique enhancement or health purposes. Have you tried Beyond Cereal Bars, and how have they impacted your blood sugar?

There was a story recently published on Muscle & Fitness Hers telling one such story —  a little girl with type 1 diabetes and a mom who couldn’t believe she found a pre-packaged food her daughter could eat. Since everyone’s bodies are different for a number of reasons, these results are not typical and you should always consult your doctor before changing your diet.  

If you have a story to share, please send it to — they’d love to hear from you!

You can learn more about Allulose by visiting

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