It’s no secret that many moms struggle with their postpartum bodies. While you’re amazed at what your body was able to do freaking bring an amazing human into this world it’s not the same shape it was before this journey.
But one mom on Instagram isnt about trying to project the perfect self-image, and shes set out on a fitness journey that is totally relatable and inspiring. Her weight loss secret weaponisn’t a diet or ridiculous gym schedule…
Mia Redworth has a thirteen-month old son and is keeping it real when it comes to that post-baby fitness regimen.
What does it entail? Mostly self-love, patience, and body acceptance.
Arecent Instagram post showcases two side-by-side photos of Redworth wearing yoga pants in what she calls bloated vs posing positions.
In the post she explains that she carried her baby for 42 weeks, has a tummy pouch from her emergency c-section, and has eczema on her stomach from stress.
Its totally normal and fine to look like this, she says. Stop thinking everyone on Instagram looks like how they do in pictures 24/7 because 98% of the time theyve taken 100 pictures and picked the best one to upload.
Redworth came to her hard-won perspective after being shocked by what her body actually looked like post-pregnancy.
She had never seen what a real postpartum body looks like, or even heard anyone talk about it, and she initially hit a low point in her self-confidence.
But about twelveweeks postpartum, she started weight training with the goals of building muscle and returning her rear end to its curvy, pre-pregnancy glory.
She decided to document her fitness journey for all the other moms out there, but with a focus on self-love.
I always wished I had someone to look up to on Instagram and as much as I love the fitmums on there, their lives are so unrealistic for most! Redworth said.
Not everyone can live in the gym and not everyone will have abs after pregnancy,” she added. “I thought about how many other women are out there looking for the same thing. After this, I decided to document my fitness journey, all the ups and downs being as real as I would need someone to be.
Recently, Redworth decided to make a point about clothing sizes by posting two photos of herself trying on a pre-pregnancy skirt.
In the first photo, from a few months ago, the skirt doesnt even come close to fitting. In the second photo, she is able to button all but one button, but the skirt has gotten much shorter due to her now more muscular butt and thighs.
Redworth urges women to stop comparing themselves to pictures and people online, and points out her own stretch marks, cellulite, and scars to paint a more realistic image.
And beyond just fitness, she has advice for moms everywhere that you could apply everyday of your life.
You have all the time in the world to change anything you arent happy with, but you only get one chance at making amazing memories with your baby, so never take that for granted,” she said. “Love yourself despite any flaws and enjoy your life as much as you can. Youre beautiful.
Via: Huffington Post
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