Lily Collins Recalls Being Praised For Drastic Weight Loss After Playing Anorexic Character ‘This Is Why The Problem Exists’


Sadly, this doesn’t amaze us one bit.

In the

The starlet recalled:

“I was leaving my apartment one day and someone I’ve known for a long time, my mom’s age, said to me, ‘Oh, wow, look at you! ‘ I tried to explain[ I had lost weight for a role] and she goes, ‘No! I want to know what you’re doing, you look great! ‘ I got into the car with my mama and told, ‘That is why the problem exists.'”

Ugh, exactly!

Miz Collins went on to say realizing the movie was difficult for her mother, who had watched Lily battle a similar illnes 😛 TAGEND

“The first time she was a bit in surprise. The second day I looked over at the end and she was sobbing; it actually made her hard. I never wanted her to feeling responsible; she’s like our friend. When she saw the movie, I believe she distinguished so much of me in Ellen.”

She added 😛 TAGEND

“There’s a scene where I’m taking my clothes off to be weighed by Carrie Preston, my stepmom in the movie, who takes a photo on her phone and proves it to me. I didn’t think she’d actually take one but she did. I visualized myself in the photo and my nerve fell. So when my mom appreciated the cinema, she saw Lily’s reaction because she knows me the best.”

To read the full interview, click HERE.

[ Image via Net–APorter .]