Kim Kardashian called the flu ‘an amazing diet’ and you can guess what happened


Y’all, influenza is no way to prepare for the Met Gala.

Kim Kardashian, fresh off being sick, conveyed her gratitude on Twitter early Wednesday morning for all the pounds she shed while being laid up with the flu.

Apparently, the six pounds she lost( in ways we don’t want to think about) was perfect timing for the upcoming Met Gala on May 1.

Although the tweet was likely a gag, because there’s a “lol” and because it’s Kim, that didn’t stop a constantly outraged internet from hopping up and down on the idea that this was a preferential weight-loss method.

Of course, that Devil Wears Prada was repeated many times.

Many remembered that time Kim cried when she lost a diamond earring in the ocean and felt that this was a similar situation.

Kim K indicated off her new post influenza “diet” look last night while out and about Los Angeles.

Get your influenza kills, everybody.

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