Kidnapped Tennessee teen is withdrawn, jittery, family says


( CNN) Elizabeth Thomas, the Tennessee teenager allegedly kidnapped by her teach, was recede and thinner after she was rescued, own family members told Monday.

“She didn’t look like herself at all. She looked like she was very worn out, very thin. And very jittery, ” her father-god Anthony Thomas said on “Primetime Justice with Ashleigh Banfield” on HLN. “She’s somebody who’s actually more sure of herself, typically all smiles and she’s been sort of the life of the party.”

Thomas and Elizabeth’s older sister, Kat Bozeman, spoke with Banfield about the teenager’s recuperation. The 15 -year-old high school freshman is apprehensive about being around people, told own family members, who have maintained conversations light and not peppered her with questions about her 39 -day ordeal as she tries to heal.

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