How To Eat Chia Seeds In 11 Ways


Until last year, I only knew of chia seeds from that annoying’ 90 s flower commercial for “chi-chi-chi-chia.” I can still picture that porcupine or funny face with grass germinating out as their fur or hair. What I did not know back then were the amazing health benefits chia seeds can add to our daily diets.

In recent years, chia seeds have become super-popular with the rise of chia seed pudding recipes and the use of chia seeds in weight loss programs.

You may have spotted a bag of chia seeds recently near the checkout aisle of your local grocery store, but what exactly are they and how do you even eat them? We’ve got you covered with our” Chia Seed 101 ” tutorial to teach you everything you need to know about chia seeds, including their nutritional benefits and routes you can incorporate feeing them in your daily diet.

Thumbnail Source: Flickr