Until last year, I only knew of chia seeds from that annoying’ 90 s flower commercial for “chi-chi-chi-chia.” I can still picture that porcupine or funny face with grass germinating out as their fur or hair. What I did not know back then were the amazing health benefits chia seeds can add to our daily diets.
In recent years, chia seeds have become super-popular with the rise of chia seed pudding recipes and the use of chia seeds in weight loss programs.
You may have spotted a bag of chia seeds recently near the checkout aisle of your local grocery store, but what exactly are they and how do you even eat them? We’ve got you covered with our” Chia Seed 101 ” tutorial to teach you everything you need to know about chia seeds, including their nutritional benefits and routes you can incorporate feeing them in your daily diet.
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What Are Chia Seeds?
Flickr/ Philipp Alexander
Grown and originating in South America, chia seeds are seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is closely related to the mint family. According to Authority Nutrition, the health benefits of chia seeds have been known to the natives of the states of the region for centuries as its significant source of dietary enhancer of energy.
Chia seeds are tiny black seeds the hell is unprocessed and considered food in the whole-grain category. They have a mild nutty flavor and are packed with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Other chia seed nutritional benefits include having twice the amount of protein than many other grain products and quadruple the proportion of calcium than milk. Chia seeds are also rich in potassium, fiber, and other antioxidants.
Where To Buy Chia Seeds
The many benefits of chia seeds have popularise the product on the health-food market. As such, they are readily available at many retailers. With so many choices out there for chia seeds, you may be wondering where to buy chia seeds that are from a legitimate source. Here are some helpful tips to make sure you are buying the best choice for chia seed products.
1. Read Your Labels
Purchasing organically produced chia seeds will give you a better crop on chia seed nutrition values. Shop from a reputable corporation that will openly disclose their farming methods and opt chemical-free chia seeds. You want to look for chia seed production enterprises that are in countries that have high standards and regulations on quality and safety. There is more confidence for intake in chia seeds that have been produced in a clean and organic way. You can trust that you are getting the optimal amount of chia seed nutrition you paid for.
2. Buy Bulk
Buying bulk will always be cheaper. However, unless your whole family consumes chia seeds on a regular basis, be kept in mind that chia seeds do not have an exceptionally long shelf life. They lose their nutritional value if they are not consumed before their expiration date.
Chia Seed Nutritional Benefits
So what are chia seeds good for? According to Medical News Today via extracted data from the USDA, one ounce( 28 grams) or about two tablespoons worth of chia seeds have the following approximate nutritional benefits 😛 TAGEND
11 grams of fiber
5 grams of protein
8 grams of fat
13 grams of carbohydrates
18 percent of calcium
27 percent of phosphorus
30 percent of manganese
2 to 3 tablespoons per day for adults
1.5 tablespoons per day for teens and children ages 10 to 18
No more than 1 tablespoon per day of children under the age of 10
How To Eat Chia Seeds