How one woman dropped 198 pounds in 15 months


Losing weight is difficult, and after youve put one across extra pounds, your body will never be the same. But that doesnt mean you dont earn bragging rights for lowering that number on the scale.

Take it from Jessica Weber, a 23 -year-old in Illinois who weighed 383 pounds at her heaviest, but has plummeted 198 pounds in 15 several months after modernise her diet.


PEOPLE reported that Weber, a Walmart associate, has been documenting her weight loss on Instagram to help others on the same excursion stay positive.

I wanted to be open about it on Instagram because I wanted people to realize what obesity does, Weber told PEOPLE. That they can make changes, but theyll likewise face problems with loose skin in all areas. I want people to not be scared, or seem hiddens of what they achieved after weight loss.

A post shared by Jessica Weber (@ jessica_vsg4 4 ) on

Weber told People that she set out to lose weight after a heart-wrenching talk with her mom.

My mom actually started crying, and told me she belief Id die before her, she told the website. It just make me hard, and I knew I had to start losing weight. It became my motivation.

Weber transformed her body by following a low-carb, high-fat diet, but she has to remind herself daily of her mission.

So many people dont understand that its a mental combat more than physical, she told PEOPLE.

Posting the first image of her slimmer body with excess scalp likewise wasnt easy, but, she told the website, her courageous move has paid off.

I was extremely nervous. I almost didnt share[ the photo] because I thought it would get so much dislike, she told PEOPLE. Im glad I did because I was overwhelmed with kindness and love.

PEOPLE reported that next, Weber will undergo a tummy tuck. But for now, she continues to rack up likes on her Instagram photos.

One of her most well known posts from about two weeks ago has garnered 26,500 likes and counting. In the caption, Weber declares, “I will not dislike my body anymore! “

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