CNN 10 – April 11, 2017


April 11, 2017

A U.S. aircraft carrier ten-strike group is headed to the seas near the Korean Peninsula, and we’re explaining how different countries view the change in course. Likewise featured: An asteroid is headed for an Earth “fly-by”; an associate justice is headed for a gentle Supreme Court hazing, and a good stretching could help people head for older age in better health .

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: The clock is ticking on Tuesday’s edition of CNN 10. I’m Carl Azuz and we’re going to get right to it .

The Pentagon mentions it’s sending a U.S. aircraft carrier ten-strike group to the seas near the Korean Peninsula. This involves the USS Carl Vinson and the ships escorting it which include destroyers that are capable of shooting down missiles. The group was originally headed from Singapore to Australia, but it changed guidance. The reason: provocations by North Korea, according to U.S. defense official .

Tensions on the peninsula are high. South Korea is a U.S. ally. It mentions the situation is grave and that North Korea might be planning another nuclear exam and rocket launch in the days ahead.
Japan is a U.S. ally. It mentions it’s get harder to maintain security in the region and that having U.S. ships in the area is an important deterrent to North Korea.
The communist country has blamed what it bellows U.S. aggression for the reason it’s trying to develop atomic weapon. But its programme of is considered illegal by other countries. As far as the U.S. ten-strike group moves, “The Navy Times”, a U.S. military book, mentions it’s rare for American officials to announce the movements of U.S. aircraft carrier, but that when it is done, it’s meant to send a message.
How is North Korea reacting ?


WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We’ve been speaking with North Korean officials here in Pyongyang and they tell us that they are receiving the message the United States is send by deploying that carrier ten-strike group to the seas off the Korean Peninsula and they also believe that the issue of missiles attack on that Syrian air base was a direct advise from the Trump administration not only to China but also to North Korea.
But their response may not be what the Trump administration is intending to be. They tell, instead of backing down, they want to accelerate their nuclear program and their weapons development. They had said for a long time that they believe the U.S. is hypocritical because it possesses nuclear weapon. It’s the only country that has in the past employed atomic weapon on civilians .

And they look at what has happened in other countries, like Iraq and Syria, regimes that have been taken down by the U.S. and its friends. They look at the chaos that’s happening in Syria and they do not want to see a repeat of that here in North Korea. They say that if the Trump administration would have launched some sort of a preemptive ten-strike here, they would retaliate and who are likely be very devastating even with the weapons that North Korea possesses right now.
There are tens of millions of people in the greater Seoul area, some 30 miles from the demilitarized zone, well within scope of North Korea’s conventional weapons, including cannon, that could a lot of damage and kill a lot of people. But it could be even bigger than that, because U.S. and South Korean officials have imagined for several weeks now that North Korea is actually ready at any time to push the button on its sixth nuclear exam .



AZUZ( voice-over ): Ten-second trivia :

What do Ceres, Juno and Vesta have in common ?

Are they all nebulae, asteroids, Ford car modelings or Greek gods ?

These aren’t simply asteroids. They’re some of the first ones that were ever named .


AZUZ: Here’s another one: 2014 JO25. The name doesn’t have the same right as Ceres perhaps, but NASA mentions this asteroid is running a zip by the Earth next week.
Let’s not tell zip by. The closest it will come is 1.1 million miles away. That’s more than four times the distance from the Earth to the moon. And while you may or may not be able to see it with the basic telescope, larger, most powerful tools will be investigating the boulder to try to learn more about it.
Why does this matter? Well, a NASA space probe indicates that 2014 JO25 is about 2,000 feet in sizing, about the length of six football fields, and though lots of small asteroids pass this distance from the Earth every month, this will be the first time in 13 years that a space boulder this big did.
Is there any chance it will make a detour and accident into our planet? No, according to experts .


JUSTICE NEIL GORSUCH, U.S. State supreme court: I will never forget that to whom much is given, much will be expected. And I promise you that I will do my powers permit to be a faithful maid of the Constitution and laws of this large commonwealth. Thank you .


AZUZ: The words of the 113 U.S. Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch, after he was sworn in yesterday. The justice who administered the oath, Anthony Kennedy, was person Gorsuch clerked for in 1990 s. The new justice described Kennedy as his mentor. And though Gorsuch is 49 years old, as far as the U.S. State supreme court, he’s the new kid on the block .


ARIANE DE VOGUE, State supreme court REPORTER: After a lifetime of preparation and several grueling weeks as a nominee, Neil Gorsuch has arrived at the State supreme court. There’s just one problem, he’s the junior most justice .

SUBTITLE: The Life of the Junior Most Justice .

DE VOGUE: The State supreme court is steep in tradition and seniority. As such, a new justice experiences a gentle hazing. For instance, there is a regular closed- door meeting, which is held in this room, which C-Span was able to photograph in 2009. Only justices are allowed to attend the meeting. No clerks , no aides, just the nine. And the junior most justice is charged with answering the door, severely .

Here’s what Justice Elena Kagan, the former junior justice, described the chore during a talk at Preston University .

JUSTICE ELENA KAGAN, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE: I mean, literally, if there is a knock on the door and I don’t hear it, they will not be a single other person who will move. They will just all stare at me until I figure out, “Oh, I guess somebody knocked on the door.” And these two jobs, the kind of notes-taking and the door opening are able to obtain — you can see how they can get in a way of each other .

DE VOGUE: And it gets worse. The junior justice is in charge of the cafeteria committee.
KAGAN: It’s not a very good cafeteria. So, this is really just the possibilities of that they have to just kind of cloud you all the time actually, like, oh , no, Elena, this meat isn’t very good .

DE VOGUE: Justice Stephen Breyer is the recent champion junior justice. He served in a record-breaking 11 years during a stretching when membership didn’t change. And while this aspect of Supreme Court life may resemble high school, Gorsuch with the dreaming docket of constitutional cases before him is going to enter perhaps the last region of Washington that still appreciates collegiality .

Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were ideological opposites but close friends, even traveling together on occasion. Justices are known to help one another irrespective rank.
Here’s what Clarence Thomas said in 2013 when Scalia helped him .

JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE: I can candidly say that as beat up as I was when I got there with the workload, I don’t know how I would have gotten through it if he hadn’t there — he became quickly a pal. New colleagues come on and you make adjustments and they become your family .

DE VOGUE: And Justice Ginsburg had a similar anecdote when she got tasked with writing a difficult belief .

JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE: I strove Justice O’Connor’s advice, it was simple — just do it .

DE VOGUE: And then after the belief was issued, the encouragement continued .

GINSBURG: She committed an attendant a note for me. It read, “This is your first opinion for the court. It is a fine one. I look forward to many more.”

AZUZ: Say that doing this could help not only improve scope of motion or flexible, but also increase blood flowing, make us better at sports, have better balance, and perhaps live to 100 may not be such of a stretching. But when is the best time to do it and how long should be used spend

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Most people ignore stretching. And I reckon stretching is so important in terms of whatever objective you have, whether it’s weight loss, whether it’s house muscle. But none of that is going to be possible, certainly not in a long run, unless you’re stretching and really taking care of those muscles and tendons to make sure they’re healthy and they’re not as likely to get injured .

There’s been all this debate about when is the best time to stretching. And I think there’s been pretty good evidence that stretching before a workout may not be a best thing. A couple of reasons: first of all, your muscles, your tendons, everything is cold. You start to actively stretch that, you can potentially injure yourself. If you stretch too much ahead, that could hurt your performance during your actual exercise. But the best time to stretching is actually after your workout.
According to the National Academy of sports medicine, stretching is not something that’s supposed to be a particularly long activity. Really no more than 30 seconds. You can push yourself a little bit, but “youve never” want to push yourself to the point where it hurts, that’s when injuries start to occur. Stretching is really about flexible, both of torso and of thinker.
Put those things together, that can help you live to 100 .


AZUZ: Well, if you’re acrophobic or hydrophobic, this pond ain’t for you. Part of it extends ten feet over the side of the Market Square Tower in Houston, Texas, and the view that’s 40 narratives straight down might make you want to parachute instead of a swimsuit .

According to, the Flexiglass floor is eight inches thick. There’s another pond in the building for people afraid of elevations.
Apartment here range from $1,800 to $18,000 a month. To render that, some folks might have to pond their resources. The video certainly made a splash, but will demand spill over and reach new elevations, or will the idea tank? Will the bottom fall out? Guess it all could defend on whether the precipitous pond holds water .

I’m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
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