When Sinbad the feline came to The Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago, he came here with a lot of baggage specifically five pounds of matted coat he was ” dragging like a carpet .”
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The shelter staff was shocked by the amount of matted coat accumulated on the feline, and the Persian cat could scarcely move trapped in his own mats.
He was very weak and didn’t indicate any appetite, but yet he continued to be very friendly to everyone at the shelter.
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” Sinbad came in to our shelter after a utility worker realized him in the home of an older gentleman ,” said Elliott Serrano.” The man wasn’t able to care for himself very well, and that was evident in Sinbad’s situation .”
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After the owner surrendered the feline to the shelter, the staff shaved him down and was treated to quite a amaze a tiny, adorable feline underneath years of mats.
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” He was so tolerant and sweet during the course of its grooming which was grueling. It took hours ,” Elliot said.
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They estimate Sinbadis nine years old, and weighs under seven pounds, signifying he was carrying more than half his weight in mats.
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Once free of the mats, he just wanted to lie down on somebody’s lap or in his bed.
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” We had to force feed him for a little bit got to make sure his digestive system would keep working and not hurt his kidneys ,” the said.
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