Chubby Girl Is Bullied, But Transforming To Be Liked Nearly Kills Her


Elle Lietzow always had a bit of” babe fat” when she was a kid. Although she was just a few pounds heavier than her peers, they would severely bully her.

They would kick, push, and chant “fat whale” at her in their elementary school’s playground. When Elle got older, she joined the competitive swimming team. She was able to shed a few pounds naturally. With her new weight loss went new friends.

However, Elle discontinued float and feared that the browbeat would return if she couldn’t keep the weight off.

” I wanted to stay skinny merely to be accepted by everyone. I had gained so many friends when I lost weight inadvertently during my float and everyone would compliment me ,” Elle told Barcroft TV in 2015.

She became obsessed with maintaining the weight off by working out for two hours each day. She only consume steamed lettuce and the scalp of an apple. Elle had triggered an eating disorder, but their own families didn’t immediately notice its seriousnes. They nagged her to feed more, and eventually Elle would be hospitalized.

Again, Elle wanted to please everyone. She began to overeat and ballooned in size. This triggered her anorexia once more. She became so thin she couldn’t get out of couch. Her toes and fingers became brittle, black, and nearly snapped off due to poor circulation. Her whisker began to fall out and she no longer menstruated.

Elle starved herself of food and water for an entire week. When she ultimately boozed a sip of water, she instantaneously slipped into a convulsion. Elle’s mother, Madonna, rushed her to the hospital. Hours from demise, Elle merely weighed 77 pounds. Her vital signs were so low, doctors were astounded she was still alive.

The incident was a wake-up call for Elle. Fortunately, her story has a happy ending. Years after the near demise experience, Elle is at a healthy weight.

” My life has changed since my recuperation. I’m now social, I go out with pals and I don’t isolate myself ,” she told.” A message I have for those suffering with anorexia at the moment is that merely you can save yourself. You have to attain the change to choose life .”

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please call the National Eating Disorder Alliance help line at 1-800-931-2237 .

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