Lena Dunham Fires Back After Style-Shaming Instagram Posts About Her


Red carpetappearances are pretty much a non-negotiable item on the long listing of celebrityresponsibilities.But Lena Dunham is here to remind you that of her many, many jobs, trying to be a perfect fashion plate all the time isnt one of them.

Dunham burnt back with adoration atPerez Hiltonafter he posted two photos of her over the weekend. Nice to considered her trying ! he wrote on one. He asked readers tocaption another themselves .

Nice to considered her trying! @LenaDunham at the @HumanRightsCampaign #HRCLADinner on Saturday. PerezHilton.com/ LenaDunham

A post shared by Coco Perez (@ cocoperezinsta) on Mar 19, 2017 at 1:30 pm PDT

Fill In The Blank! @LenaDunham ____________ .

A post shared by Coco Perez (@ cocoperezinsta) on Mar 19, 2017 at 8: 01 am PDT

Hilton isnt known for retaining his opinions to himself, but then, neither is Dunham. She was quick to leave a thoughtful remark in response.

I try at a lot of things, she wrote. Mostly I try at being a novelist, administrator, performer, activist, pal, sibling, partner, Godmother …. Fashion is fun but sometimes Id instead not expend three hours and lots of money I could give to charity or spend on books and food to get ready to go out.[ There are lots of] different ways to be a public figure and I think theres chamber for us to occasionally show up in public like normal people do. When I look at that video you subjected to caption this criticism, I consider a day well-spent writing, reading, having tea with a pal. Its unfortunate that the days you approve of most are the ones where Im spending the least time on what really things. With adoration, Lena.

Hilton wrote in his commentsthat her response was well mentioned, claiming neither of the two photos wasmeant as criticism. He then shared Dunhams comment as its own photo, to which she responded, thank you for having sharing xx.

Lena posted this on our last photo. Well-said! PerezHilton.com/ LenaDunham

A post shared by Coco Perez (@ cocoperezinsta) on Mar 19, 2017 at 3:41 pm PDT

So , no harm no fouled? Not quite.

The sentiment that anyone, famous or otherwise, should be valued for how hard they try or how good they look on the red carpet is ridiculous, and not specific to Dunham. And while great style should be celebrated, were also pretty adamant that things like a fancy dress or a persons weight, which Dunham also recently addressed, doesnt improve or diminish a persons worth.

We could all stand to keep this notion in mind when it is necessary to celebrities, the red carpet, and the style we talk about them both.