This coffee butter-chugging startup just pulled in $19 million more in funding


Dave Asprey, “the mens” famous for fostering Silicon Valley execs to throw butter in his special mix of coffee, has raised another $19 million to keep on doing just that.

His company and lifestyle brand Bulletproof 360 claims to build coffee free of something called mycotoxins, which is, basically, moldand can build you very ill if absorbed. Asprey mentions about 75 percent of other brands are full of these mycotoxins and they are affecting the brains and the organizations of Americas presidents. But for $18.95 you can get a bag of Aspreys Upgraded blend of zero mycotoxins coffee.

But that assertion doesnt seem to hold up. Mycotoxins are in a lot of things, including meat, grains, coffee and a bunch of other foodstuffs and are most certainly harmful in large quantities. Nonetheless, most every coffee company in “the worlds” is aware of thiscancer-causing moldand manyuse wet processing to clean the beans for that reason. Bulletproof says thats not enough and that it has some extra special technique, but despite whatever that is, somehave claimed to have found below threshold levels of mycotoxins in Aspreyscoffee anyway.

Also, according to a National Institutes of Health studyAmericans who drank more than four cups of coffee a period were found to have well below whats considered safe high levels of mycotoxins. Levels were so low after the normal coffee bean roasting process the NIH discontinued such studies so it doesnt seem like this should be a big concern for coffee drinkers anyway.

As for dissecting the other allegations, like a special fat that induces you thin and reduces your cholesterol or that grass-fed butter has health benefits for your brain would make for a much longer post. Nonetheless, the issue is some preliminary proof thatmedium-chain triglycerides do help with weight loss.

Theres also something to be said for constructing a loyal following and a solid sales pipelinein the health and wellness realm something not everyone can do in such a crowded space. And Aspreys own backstory lends to his credibility here. The humankind lost about a 100 pounds after investing$ 1 million of his own money in trial and error hacking his own torso. But actually, anyone who can sell something called FATwater( literally sea with fat in it) deserves a medal in the sales hall of fame.

While we dont know the year-over-year sales figures, Bulletproof seems to have donewell enough at the least to convince VCs to handover more money. CAVU Venture Partners produced the round, along with previous investor Trinity Ventures( which also, incidentally, are used in Starbucks ). Bulletproof previously took in$ 9 million in Series A, bringing up the total funding to date to $28 million.

Asprey, who simply released his latest volume, titled HEAD STRONG, also plans to expand to more retail store this year, starting in New York City. His two existing Bulletproof Cafs are in Southern California.

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