Diet product’s ‘Wonder Woman’ cross promotion draws ire


“‘Think thin’ is not a slogan we need associated with a fierce warrior, ” the Mary Sue governments. Ahead of Wonder Woman’s release in theaters next month, the superhero movie has entered into a promotional partnership with thinkThin, maker of diet products.

Unsurprisingly, people learn some problems with the first great female-led superhero movie being tied to weight-loss snacks. Wonder Woman should be an “opportunity to … celebrate the female shape not as a subject of passion but information sources of power, ” Salon argues.

And the Daily Dot says relating Wonder Woman to thinkThin concentrates attention on her appearing instead of her acts, doing a disservice to a “feminist icon.” There had already been a lot of focus on Wonder Woman’s torso, with Gal Gadot being called “too skinny” when she was cast in 2013.

Add to that a thinkThin survey recognizing invisibility as women’s most desired superpowerMary Sue argues it highlights a “hard to ignore” is connected with diet messages aimed at women and a desire to have their own bodies disappear entirelyand Wonder Woman has become an example of the “unrealistic standards” ladies have to deal with: Be strong like the Amazonian warrior, but make sure you maintain the thin figure that society deems attractive.

( This Cosmo weight-loss article infuriated Twitter .)

This article originally appeared on Newser: Diet Product’s Wonder Woman Cross Promotion Draws Ire