Chris Pratt & Anna Faris Thank One Another In Emotional Speeches At Tear-Filled Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star Ceremony!


Chris Pratt was honored with a starring on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Friday, and we can’t think of many superstars we’d rather recognize accept.

No , not because he’s sweet and gracious and super hunky in a Tom Ford 3-piece.( All that stuff is fabulous though !) But we’re really excited because he brought along his wonderful fam!

Photos: Chris Goes Spider-Man For Men’s Fitness !

After live-tweeting the entire preparation ritual, Anna Faris gave a speech about her hubby that virtually brought us to tears, saying 😛 TAGEND

“This is actually a thank-you speech. I’m the beneficiary of all this because I get to spend every day with this wonderful humankind … I know that if our situations were different and we weren’t as fortunate to be standing here and living our Hollywood life, we would be happy in the woods together, I think.”

And their son, the adorable little Jack Pratt, “ve been there” with them, being adorable in every pic. But he likewise stood as a reminder of their tough times; Jack was born premature and had health problems when he was very young.

But Anna mentions Chris helped her get through everything there is:

“He stood by me and comprised me and was my anchor.”

Awwwww. But she didn’t keep it too schmaltzy. She likewise shared one more Guardian Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 premiere secret 😛 TAGEND

“At the premiere of Guardians 2, on the red carpet he whispered something unbelievably inappropriate into my ear and it was awesome. Honey, I want to thank you for being the most incredible person. I love you so much.”

Then Chris ran all-out and DID attain us holler! It was one of the most grateful speeches we’ve ever heard. He began 😛 TAGEND

“I’m a humankind of religion and I believe that God works in mysterious routes and commits us signs and gifts in life and those gifts oftentimes come in the form of people. So I’ll just expend the rest of my period carrying gratitude for the people in “peoples lives” who the hell is gifts.”

And he did.

Photos: Starrings Who Can Do Magic Tricks !

He thanked first his mother 😛 TAGEND

“She committed perfectly everything she had to raise us, every fiber of her being. And oftentimes we weren’t cash-rich, but we were never love-poor. You committed everything and you were always proud of me, lane before this. When I was a waiter at Coco’s you just couldn’t get enough of me.”

His brother Cully 😛 TAGEND

“He is my star and always has been. He played a major supporting role in creating me, and was a big fan of mine and always guided me and I love you.”

His sister Angie 😛 TAGEND

“She taught me how to fight, she taught me how to value emotions, she taught me how to have a backbone and she made some profound sacrifices for our family, so that I could be down here chasing my dreams.”

James Gunn and the Guardian franchise 😛 TAGEND

“It’s changed so many lives: “Peoples lives”, my wife’s life, the lives of children in hospitals, the lives of my real estate agent, my great grandkids they’re all going to benefit.”

His team 😛 TAGEND

“I feeling as though I’m just the shiny hood decorate on a well-oiled machine that they drive every single day.”

…and last but not least, Anna 😛 TAGEND

“I want to thank my wife Anna, I love you. You’ve made me so much. You gave me the greatest starring in the galaxy in my little son, I adoration him and I love you. We have bonded to make this molecule that is more important to me than air or sea, and without it none of this signifies anything to me. With every challenge, with every day, week, month, decade, we become more bonded. You attain me laugh like nobody else. You’re very caring, and thank you for your trust and your sacrifice and for your dedication and your heart. I will do my best to protect it, and in return I will give you all of those things as well. You have my heart, my dedication, my trust.”

Wow. So romantic!

See some of the best pics from the event( below )!