9 Reasons Why Your Period Is Late That Have Nothing To Do With Being Pregnant


Its not a particularly comforting moment, recognise your period is late.

A moment of panic may arise. For me, the proverbial stork immediately was necessary to thinker, arriving at the door like an unordered pizza with a pooping, screaming, ravenous little gremlin in tow.

Then, of course, there are all the ways in whichpregnancy, barring immaculate notion, definitely isnt a possibility.

It all begs the issues to: Where did my bloody monthly bill run off to?

Rest insured, there are actually a whole host of reasons your interval might be late, hop-skip, or suddenly become less common, that have nothing to do with diapers.

Maybe Youve Been Into Super Serious Exercise Lately

Have you been CrossFitting, SoulCycling, or shadowboxing particularly hard this month? Train for a marathon, maybe? Happen to be an Olympic gymnast?

An irregular interval is really normal for athletes, or those of us taking on new physical challenges.

If your BMI makes a sudden dip, or your torso is under an unusual quantity of physical strain, your period might take a break in response.

Its also important to be aware of what constitutes as over- exercise, a more serious issue for which psychological supporting is a great route.

Ive had some experience with this one. Its good to merely lay down with a sandwich sometimes.

Or It Could Be Your Medication

Birth control is likely the number one culprit in period-changing medications.

Hormonal family planning stop the body from ovulating. Even the period you have while on the pill is technically a fake-out; its simply withdrawal bleeding.

Emergency contraception can also delay your period for up to a week.

Plus, drugs likemood stabilizers and antidepressants can cause transformations in the menstrual cycle. If youve started taking a new drug and notice a change in your period, research the side effects and contact your doctor to ease your mind.

Bless This Stress

Theres this portion of your brain called the hypothalamus, which is where your central nervous system links to your pituitary gland, and where hormones are secreted.

When youre super emphasized, the hypothalamus goes into overdrive, and that can cause transformations in your moon cycle.

Consider whats been going on in their own lives. Any major changes? Tons of job? More nervousnes than normal?

Keep in mind that particularly traumatic experiences, like an assault, the death of a loved one, or a awful breakup can all induce a loss of interval as well.

Breastfeeding Could Be The Culprit

So, youve already had the kid, but youre missing periods?

Totally normal .~ ATAGENDYour hormones are simply all over the place.

Weight, Weight, Weight

Weight loss and weight gain( or being technically over or under the recommended weight range for yourbody type) affects your hormonal cycles. Eating diseases can also be major causes for amenorrhea.

When your body isnt getting enough( or the specific kind) of nutrients it needs, itll definitelyshoot you some signals.

Consider your relationship with eating, and where your torso weight is at the moment. Could that have anything to do with your cycle changing?

Perhaps You Took A Trip To Somewhere New

Seriously! It happens.

A change in time regions or overall schedule can whack out your bodys natural clockin and circadian rhythms.

Maybe Its Those Recreational Drugs Youre Taking

Like, you know. drugs.

They only arent truly all that good for your body as it is, and they can cause irregularity.

Just one more thing( among many) to consider before snorting a line in the back of that dive bar, amirite?

Or Maybe Its A Medical Condition

There are a variety of medical conditions that can cause missed periods.

Its possible you might have polycystic ovarian syndrome( PCOS ), a thyroid situation, or maybe evenearly onset menopause, only to name a few.

Other illness that cause major stress on the body can result in hop-skips, too.

Wait A Minute, What Day Is It?

God to know each other hard to keep track of the day of the week, let alone the working day of your cycle.

And theres always the possibility that you have the days wrong.

A period-tracking app, or merely doing the classic cherry-red X on your desk calendar, can go a long way when youre trying to remember whether or not to pack that DivaCup.

Read more here: http :// www.elitedaily.com