6 Ways To Feel Like A Celebrity When You Are Actually Basic AF


Ah, celebrities. Theyre so crazy constantly doing things that seem uncomfortable, irrational, unsafe, and meaningless, only because they can.

I altogether get onto and I would too.

I have this theory that part of why we desire awful reality Tv shows that feature young, beautiful, and often stupid people is because deep down we get to feel like them tan, gorgeous, rich if only for a half an hour.

So, how can we manifest this temporary, responsibility-free stance without actually running our lives into the ground?

I got you. Here are six ways you can feel like a celebrity when actually you are basic AF.

1. Wear something that is not traditionally worn as outside of the house clothing.

Heres the thing no one tells you about manner 80 percent of it is wearing something outrageous and say about, This? Oh, the committee is and the other 20 percent is making assured that whatever it is, it was outrageously expensive for no reason.

Think bras as T-shirts, belts as bras, shoes made out of a synthetic, see-through, sweaty substance these are ALL things that favorites of yours like Gigi Hadid, Kylie Jenner, or Kanye West have sported or promoted.

2. Eat or drink a LOT of one thing.

The name of the game when it comes to the celebrity lifestyle is. The more, more, more, you can get of any one thing, the better.

Pick your poison.

Whats your guilty pleasure? Coffee? Go crazy. Bubble gum? Chew that sh* t until your teeth fall out. Hotdogs? Kale? The tiny mints you get on the way out of restaurants? Stock up and then it.

As long as you make a face that says, YO, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THIS MANY CHEETOS IN YOUR LIFE! IM AWESOME! in the selfie, then the calories cant hurt you.

And while Im on photos

3. Take an exorbitant quantity of photos.

Pics or it literally didnt happen. If you want to like a celebrity, you have to like a celebrity, and that means adapting the impression that the whole world is here to look at YOU.

Find your best light in your apartment and go nuts. Take a mysterious selfie, a sexy selfie, a moody selfie, a happy selfie, a candid selfie, or inventory piling your best friend and take pics like youre the coolest kids in town.

Make a massive Instagram story and revel in being the center of your own universe.

4. Wear sunglasses to places that dont call for them.

This one is easy, affordable, and oh-so temporary.

Pull an Anna Wintour and wear your sunglasses at night, indoors, and in plenties public places.

Why are you wearing your sunnies inside? NONE OF ANYONES DAMN BUSINESS, THATS WHY!

Dimitrios Kambouris/ Getty Images For New York Fashion Week

5. Keep people guessing on your dating life.

Have a dating life? Great. Play a little on-again, off-again with your boo-thang.

Single AF? Even better. Snap pics with as many of your acquaintances as you are able to. Just make sure youre touching their knees, limbs or lower back in the photos and, voila! A rumor is birth, constructing you appear desirable as inferno with a love life as interesting as Taylor Swifts next album.

6. Adapt a bizarre, totally unsustainable workout routine and/ or diet plan.

You know the kind. A tea before you get out of bed, vitamins that claim to turn carbohydrate into self-worth and confidence, etc. etc.

Working out between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. everyday and having 19 small-scale meals before sundown is sure to keep you seeming red carpet chic. You get the idea.

Pick it and go for it( for at the least 2 week to say it counted ).

Its simple you guys. Just be anyone but yourself is what Im getting at.

Read more here: http :// www.elitedaily.com