5 things for Friday, June 23: Senate health bill, Philando Castile, Bill Cosby


( CNN) It’s the first official weekend of summertime, so treat yourself by taking a few days off from thinking about the health care bill. But not quite yet! Here’s what you need to know to Get up to Accelerate and Out the Door.( You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here .)

We finally got a peek at the health care bill that GOP senators have been guarding so closely and, well, it’s not really surprising. Like the House bill, it repeals the individual mandatory and drastically cuts back on federal supporting of Medicaid, which is very likely to force states to shrink their programs, entailing people would lose coverage. But the committee is also adds money to stabilize Obamacare in the meantime.

White House: Trump wants to protect Medicaid

Dem congresswoman: Time for Pelosi to go

WH responds to Trump’s Comey tape tweet

Combined videos indicate fatal Castile shooting